
At Great Junction Dental Practice we're proud to be an active and supportive part of the Scottish Childsmile Programme since 2011.

As a Childsmile Practice we organise sessions for families to come into the practice and introduce their children to professional ways of keeping their mouth healthy for life. That means children of all backgrounds can get the best possible start for strong and healthy teeth and gums, and retain them for life.

Continuous care

If you’d like to be part of the Childsmile initiative and improve the oral health of your child or children, please speak to a member of staff at Great Junction Dental Practice: your dentist, the nurse, or the reception.

We’re happy to give you more information and assist you alongside what we already do for the past years: from six months old, appointments will be made for the child to attend dental services on a regular basis, every 6 months. We now round this up with the programme of Childsmile care, tailored to meet the needs of the individual child, and it will be provided by the whole dental team: appointments with Maureen as the dedicated and specially trained Dental Nurse in turn with the regular dentist appointments.

The Child Smile service includes:
  • Oral health advice
    e.g. healthy weaning, diet, teething, tooth-brushing instruction etc.
  • Annual dental check-ups and treatment, if required.
  • Twice-yearly fluoride varnish applications from two years old.

Dental Nurses from Childsmile practices are trained in oral health promotion and fluoride varnish application to support the dental team to provide Childsmile care.

For more information:

We offer both NHS & Private Dental Services